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This document is applicable to version 1.6.x, Please use the command ll-cli --version to check your LingLong program version.

ll-pica Introduction

This tool currently provides the capability to convert DEB packages into Linglong packages. Generate the required linglong.yaml file for building Linglong applications and rely on ll-builder to implement application build and export. Only software packages that comply with the app store packaging standards are supported for conversion.


The conversion tool is merely an auxiliary tool and does not guarantee that the converted application will definitely run. It's possible that the software depends on libraries installed in paths or other configuration paths that do not align with those inside LingLong's internal structure, leading to the inability to execute. In such cases, you would need to use the command ll-builder run --exec bash to enter the container for debugging purposes.

The following situations are likely to result in unsuccessful execution:

  1. Packages related to Wine, Android emulators, input methods, and security software cannot be converted.
  2. The package utilizes preinst, postinst, prerm, and postrm scripts.
  3. It is necessary to read configuration files from a fixed path.
  4. Need to obtain root permissions.

View the help information for the ll-pica command:

ll-pica --help

Here is the output:

Convert the deb to uab. For example:
 ll-pica init -c package -w work-dir
 ll-pica convert -c package.yaml -w work-dir
 ll-pica help

  ll-pica [command]

Available Commands:
  adep        Add dependency packages to linglong.yaml
  convert     Convert deb to uab
  help        Help about any command
  init        init config template

  -h, --help      help for ll-pica
  -V, --verbose   verbose output
  -v, --version   version for ll-pica

Use "ll-pica [command] --help" for more information about a command.